Thursday, April 07, 2011

We are looking for love in all the wrong places.

We are looking for love in all the wrong places.
by Tony O'Clery on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 6:47am

We are looking for love in all the wrong looking for lost glasses which all the time are on our heads..The human simian due to the distorted ego looks only for pleasure and validation of its existence..All have a love as that is what we are but it is veiled by desires, desire for pleasure in all forms...The animal looks for what it needs the human looks for what it doesn't need...We look for love in our children, wives, families and friends but we are competing with their own egos looking for pleasure also...all human love is conditional....even helping others is for oneself...for the ego gets pleasure from helping, and validation of its illusory existence.. Love is within,,,we can touch it through is not outside for all love outside is tainted with the ego seeking pleasure....This why Bhakti is a more simpler path than Jnana or wisdom, as it projects the need on to a 'godform' that is outside but eventually becomes inside so to speak...We can only get transitory attachments outside as the other egos are also looking for love objectively, the ego looking for pleasure...It is hard for people new on the path especially to accept that most of the love they give and accept is really mostly attachment and seeking for pleasure.. Once we make the decision not to look for pleasure but to look within for Love...we are on the right track to real Love...

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