Tuesday, June 28, 2011

note with urls on debunking tolle

note with urls on debunking tolle
by Tony O'Clery on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 8:52am

I will save these urls on exposing tolle as a note.

They are written in an everyday understanding....but they do serve as an indication of what non realised teachers do and can do...........and of course the naivety of oprah perhaps............



Monday, June 27, 2011

The test for a realised person is

I'll say it again Maharaj says you can only talk of what you 'know'. So all the unrealised teachers, mooji, tolle, gangaji, cohen, etc etc etc...are really only entertainers and only know intellectually more than others -perhaps.-may be useful to neophytes who are unaware of real Mukta Sadgurus...

The test for a realised person is -1. A literal death experience, not a dream or visualisation. Jesus,Maharaj,Ramana,Lakshmana Swamy, Mathru Sri Sarada, Sri Ramakrishna all died and were resurrected as the Self.

2. Be able to teach with silence...As Lakshmana Swamy still does....


The realised Muktas have the Saktipat/Energy of the Self which is out of space and time and distance and is in their very words...

Carmen -- Why did Ramana say that we have to only remove the false idea of being not realized? Or do you think once we remove that false idea we will die?
11 minutes ago · Like
Tony O'Clery The ego will die....the body will continue on if necessary...with the universal consciousness..However apparently all realised muktas go through a real death experience as the body loses the ego...Just as a normal body dies when the ego leaves at what humans call death...but the mukta resurrects as the Self.
2 minutes ago · Like
Tony O'Clery I only post this as so many follow entertainers and false prophets as Jesus calls them...or actors as maharaj calls them...and there are extant teachings that make the intermediary teachers superfluous and in the main self serving.
a few seconds ago · Like

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Maharaj and the necessary 'death experience' for realisation.David Godman.

Maharaj and the necessary 'death experience' for realisation.David Godman.
by Tony O'Clery on Friday, June 24, 2011 at 5:06pm

At some point Maharaj asked him, 'Have you witnessed your own death?' and Rudi replied 'No'.

Maharaj then launched into a mini-lecture on how it was necessary to witness one's own death in order for there to be full realisation of the Self. He said that it had happened to him after he thought that he had fully realised the Self, and it wasn't until after this death experience that he understood that this process was necessary for final liberation. I hope somebody recorded this dialogue on tape because I am depending on a twenty-five-year-old memory for this. It seems to be a crucial part of Maharaj's experience and teachings but I never heard him mention it on any other occasion. I have also not come across it in any of his books.

Maharaj continued to pester Rudi about the necessity of witnessing death, but Rudi kept quiet and just smiled beatifically. He refused to defend himself, and he refused to be provoked. Anyway, I don't think he was in any condition to start and sustain an argument. Whatever state he was in seemed to be compelling all his attention. I got the feeling that he found articulating even brief replies hard

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The child is loved most whilst the Sun of the Self

The child is loved most whilst the Sun of the Self is not obscured by the clouds of ego...ie. in the first couple of years or so.

The hardest shell to crack is the shell of pollyanny emotional sentiment and attachment mistaken for Love. The next hardest thing is to shake the belief that pleasure is a good thing, and we should indoctrinate our kids/pet humans in this.We love our kids as they mirror us and we want them to be little pet humans that grow up mini-mes and we get pleasure from observing similarities.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am in consciousness as the 'witness'.

I am in consciousness as the 'witness'. I am beyond it as Being. The manifested Saguna and unmanifest NirGuna are not different.........Maharaj...p92.IAT.

Q. What is fact? Maharaj. What is perceived in pure awareness unaffected by desire and fear is fact....p102...IAT...Maharaj.

When Ramana and Maharaj say do the 'Who am I? or 'I Am'...they don't mean think about what you are your small self....They mean meditation on the entire I Am of the universe or Self.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Re-birth and the memory causal body..

Re-birth and the memory causal body..

What reincarnates are the tendencies, attributes, vasanas -or memory causal body, or cloud of images..Maharaj says. Due to vibratory compensation and karma it identifies with a body in the womb at about 4 or 5 months and enters.But there is no 'I' and won't be for a couple of years after birth.. So the concept of reincarnating personality is a false interpolation.The whole construct is a hare's horn based on memory alone that ultimately doesn't exist.....

Ego and Ahamkara and infants...

Ego ego and Ahamkara and infants...

When discussing the rise of the ego or ahamkara in infants after a couple of years...one has to separate the 'defensive response mechanism' from what is termed ego...Every animal is aware of its defense response mechanism otherwise how would it know it is being attacked or hurt...THAT IS NOT AHAMKARA EGO..Humans take the response and add to it and distort it...creating the huge ego they have..A child at 18 months will talk in the third person a lot, if you notice....Also the ego of western psychology is not the Ahamkara ego...

Ego and Ahamkara and infants...

Ego ego and Ahamkara and infants...

When discussing the rise of the ego or ahamkara in infants after a couple of years...one has to separate the 'defensive response mechanism' from what is termed ego...Every animal is aware of its defense response mechanism otherwise how would it know it is being attacked or hurt...THAT IS NOT AHAMKARA EGO..Humans take the response and add to it and distort it...creating the huge ego they have..A child at 18 months will talk in the third person a lot, if you notice....Also the ego of western psychology is not the Ahamkara ego...

Maharaj says...The body has urges

Maharaj says...The body has urges.....the mind has pain and pleasures....but Awareness is unshaken and unattached.

(Problem is the mind noticing the urges and indulging them and expanding them into pleasures, resulting in eventual pain.) Tony...

Hope and compliant pleasure are the thieves of moksha.

Hope and compliant pleasure are the thieves of moksha.

People like each other because it is tribal and they share the same delusions; And it reinforces their common illusion and individual egos. This applies from the 'pet human' condition of children up to adult activities, entertainment and clubs. It is a diversion and ultimately an exercise in futility ; sharing the impossible hope of a heaven on earth instead of mayhem and chaos; And nature,karma, conquering all and adding inevitable pain. The inexerable progress of the ego going to hell in a hand basket....

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

As NIZ say the only so called 'god' is the vital force..

As NIZ say the only so called 'god' is the vital force...or prana....we are all praneaswara..and we are all forms of it...only one force.. So worshipping the vital force in a church or temple..or even a rock concert is no difference..........

Saturday, June 04, 2011

An exercise I use is not separating the material,

An exercise I use is not separating the material, subtle and causal, as separate illusions..Otherwise one gets into material bodies and rebirth and all that when in fact the whole complex of kosas is a non happening event of the birth principle...neti neti.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The world's most egotistic and self indulgent game---GOLF.

The world's most egotistic and self indulgent game---GOLF. From a game that developed from chasing stones or balls down rabbit holes in Scotland to a business man's diversion golf is a waste. A waste of resources and water, land taken from the animals that could feed millions of starving people if used for food. Unlike the quick energy of a football game...golf requires the application and development of a strong ego sense of hours of time....just look at the kind of people who in the main follow the occupation....and see then what it is about...mostly business people and polilticians etc.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The basic attraction of human love is the ground

The basic attraction of human love is the ground or prana as we are all prani, but the ego adds attachment and distorts it into pollyanna sentimental emotionalism. Love in action is helping without thinking one is helping...

1985; With regard to my dream of being a cow in a slaughterhouse

1985; With regard to my dream of being a cow in a slaughterhouse

1985; With regard to my dream of being a cow in a slaughterhouse, and the subsequent horrific dream, that I had; I think my previous months of meditation and giving up drinking had allowed my intellectual or vijnanamayakosa to be cleaned somewhat, so it was developed enough to react to the 'dream', in a positive way and give up the hypocritical position of having 'god' in my heart and meat on my plate....In fact Ramana does say that sadhana and meditation are necessary for purification of the vasanas....but eating meat is bringing in untold millions of years of vasanas and the death process, of the animal into our own bodies...

Food affects the mind. For the practice of any kind of yoga, vegetarianism is absolutely necessary since it makes the mind more sattvic [pure and harmonious]. --Sri Ramana Maharshi.

One has no idea where we are at spiritually, as it is all in the citta vasana or subconscious mind. Every now and then one realises the purification is going on, sometimes we call the pranic cleaning of the kosas, the rise of kundalini or universal mind...