Monday, July 11, 2011

The problem with language is that it only reflects the mind.

The problem with language is that it only reflects the mind.
by Tony O'Clery on Monday, July 11, 2011 at 9:08am

The problem with language is that it only reflects the words like enlightenment or realisation are just words to describe a non existent event. So there is no word for it. We are already enlightened....we are like ponds with scum on..remove the scum/vasanas of desire mind and the pond reflects the sun...The Guru is actually the Inner Sadguru or Self...the outer Guru is the same Self a Mukta--Guru-Self, working through a different illusory body than yours...One is pulling and the other is pushing so to speak but it is ever the same Sadguru. One's own pond has scum on it but the Guru's doesn't so reflects the sun/Self

The body is an organism that will function its own way we are almost possessors, of it. The built up egoic mind entity occupies the natural body as a tool to enjoy and prolong pleasures and sense stimulation. Most people don't get any more enlightened as they age, they just get older with their bucket of desires still full.

Anything of mind is illusion...Truth cannot be spoken of as it then becomes a concept it can only be apperceived. Even, consciousness-prana, the Self, 'Awareness and Being', are all illusory Saguna....for where are they in NirVikalpa Samadhi?????????Nir Vana, Nir Viklpa, Nir Guna are all ways of decribing neti neti to the fullest......One last point -the human body/mind doesn't create a guru to follow,,that is also a form of body consciousness that some cannot shake off from their speculations...The answer is Ajativada as is my entry on wikipedia.

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