Friday, July 15, 2011

The Secret of Liberation...ia the Birth Principle..NIZ...This is all you need!!!!

The Secret of Liberation...ia the Birth Principle..NIZ...This is all you need!!!!
by Tony O'Clery on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 3:30pm

Only one in a crore, (10million),persons can find out what the birth principle is. And once you know it is everything, all knowledge belongs to you-even liberation is yours.......Nisargadatta .Maharaj....

The birth principle is Turyia.........Turiya is the 'I Am'..It is the witness is Saguna........Tony .

Turiya is the 4th state above waking, dreaming, and deep sleep...above Turiya is Turyiatita or Nirguna...

I have put this in a note as it is the secret of liberation and it is so simple..........following the teachings of Niz...concentrate on the 'I Am'...excluding all else...develop that feeling that all is one and all is you....Koham -who am I? Soham--I am He!....I Am Siva -Sivoham...To slip iinto the parlance of Ramana must go into samadhi....NirVikalpa Samadhi as that is Turiyatita....however most cannot hold it due to scum on the pond preventing the relfection of the sun or vasanas. I personally cannot truly hold it for much more than half an hour...or less than an hour anyway...Once one can hold the state permanently it is, to quote Ramana.. No longer Kevala but Sahaja NirVikalpa Samadhi...or realisation, liberation, Moksha, or whatever term you wish to use to grasp it...Moksha is Moha Kyshaya or delusion destroyed...

In order to understand Maharaj...he says one must worship the vital force that prana...that meditation is necessary. Presumably as it is the kinetic side of consciousness and is within our grasp....All this comes from Maharaj and Ramana.....Tony.

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